English Tenses can be difficult for all language learners. Whether learning english as a native speaker or as a second language learner it can be tricky to learn the differences between tense rules. We have created these past perfect tense worksheets to help both learn and revise the past perfect tense.

Past Perfect Tense Worksheets.

These Grade 6 Past perfect tense worksheets are for free download. We have many other tense worksheets on the site, these are designed and created to fit into most grade 6 English textbooks and to act as supplementary revision and teaching assistance.

We will also be putting together a full supplementary workbook to help grade 6 students and their grammar knowledge. We will follow this up with grade 5, grade 4 etc.

You can check out the other resources on the Free Resources link in the menu above.

What is the Past Perfect Tense?

Explanation Past perfect tense

This tense covers actions that occured in the past. We use the past perfect for the earlier action. There are some differences between how regular and irregular verbs are presented which is explained in full in the worksheets and download above.

Other Tense Resources.

On the site we have a large selection of teaching and learning articles that cover past tense and other tenses in English. We also have hard resources, activities and games to help both students and teachers learn and teach English Tenses. You can check out the links below for more information.

The above tense resources are all free to download and use ( non commercially) and we hope they are helpful. We also have phonics, grammar and more english topics on the site. You just need to search or go to our shop or free resources section.

I have been a teacher of English for over 15 years, in that time i made hundreds and thousands of resources and learnt so much i think its worth sharing. Hopefully to help teachers and parents around the world.

Always welcome thoughts and comments, new blogs can be lonely!!