• Long and Short Vowels Workbook

    50+ Phonics and Reading Skills Workbook – Long and Short Vowels


    Over 50 Teacher Made Phonics, Long and Short Vowel worksheets, games and activities. 

    The printable activities you will find in this workbook are designed to focus on the vowel sounds   in English.   These short and long vowel sounds are an integral part of phonics instruction. We have   over 50 worksheets   and activities to help practice and master these often tricky sounds. We   have included  some revision   materials to remind students and children about short vowels and constructing simple CVC words. Then   we   move onto the differences between long and short vowel sounds. There is a considerable focus on this as it   can take a little time for students to fully master these important skills.

    We have also included worksheets and activities for long vowel patterns and phonics rules included   ‘’magic/silent e’’, r-controlled vowels, vowel digraphs and diphthongs and how Y can make vowel sounds


    • 2 Read Write Colour: Practice and revision worksheets to cement CVC and Short vowel knowledge
    • 2 Write my sound: Medial Sound worksheets that can be used as assessment or in a lesson where the parent or teacher can say the missing short vowel sound.
    • 2 Fishing For Phonics Worksheets: Students are asked to ‘’fish’’ for short vowel sounds by coloring the fish the correct color.
    • 6 Short and long vowel Colouring Activities: 5 Single vowel and one combined colouring activity. Students find, read and then colour the words with long and short sounds according to the instructions
    • 3 farming for phonics Worksheets: This set of 3 worksheets asks students to say and differentiate between long and short sounds, r controlled sounds and includes a page of short sounds with consonant digraphs as well.
    • 10 Circle the vowel Sound worksheets: This set of ten worksheets aims to teach students to both say and recognize the many different vowel sounds. We have 4 long and short versions, 1 magic ‘’e’’ and 5 that cover r-controlled vowels, vowel digraphs and diphthongs.
    • 2 Penguin Rhyming Pairs and 2 Rhyming pairs worksheets: Students have to find and colour the rhyming pairs, or find and cut the rhyming words. This activity mixes up different spellings of the vowel sounds.
    • 3 Vowel spelling worksheets: # worksheets to help students learn and recognize that there are different spellings of vowel sounds. This covers R controlled and oi/oy sounds.
    • 1 long and short Vowel Spot the difference: Covers all 5 short vowels for revision
    • 8 Magic E Worksheets: 4 Magic E Scramble and 4 spot the word worksheets to teach and practice the magic ‘’e’’ rule.
    • 4 Vowel Digraph Cut and paste: Students must cute and paste vowel digraph words in the correct column
    • 5 Bossy R worksheets: 5 worksheets highlighting spelling of r controlled vowels.
    • 3 Y as a vowel activities: 3 worksheets and activities to help teach how Y can act as a vowel.

    As well as our printable board game we have also linked some online games at the end along with a Long and Short Vowels PowerPoint game.

    We also have a Reading and Short stories comprehension workbook to practice these skills as well. Check them out here

    We also have a Reading and Short stories comprehension workbook to practice these skills as well. Check them out here

  • CVC phonics reading Workbook

    CVC And Phonics Skills and Kindi and Grade 1 Reading Bundle


    Over 50 Teacher Made Phonics, Vowel and CVC Games, Worksheets and Activities for Younger Learners


    40+ Reading Comprehension Short Stories – CVC, Kindergarten and Grade 1

    For one price you get get both of these emergent reader workbooks

    Check out their contents here

    Kindergarten and short stories

    Phonics Skills and CVC Words


  • Phonics and reading skills Workbook

    50+ Phonics and Reading Skills Workbook – Sounds and CVC words


    Over 50 Phonics, Vowel and CVC Games, Worksheets and Activities for Younger Learners

    This Phonics and CVC Workbook offers students the chance to practice using multi intelligence methods and includes  a large selection of CVC activities  to help practice and master blending of simple words and phrases. We have also included the option to color some of these pages to help children and students take ownership of them.

    • 5 CVC Scramble Worksheets: Designed to introduce and practice the structure of CVC words and how the sounds blend together.
    • 5 CVC Word Sort: Moves from 3 separate sounds creating a word, to word families, or ‘’onset and rime’’ and introduces the idea of ‘’rhyme’’ as a way to work out unfamiliar words.
    • 2 Which Vowel Worksheets: Vowels are tricky for young ears, the sound difference is minimal. This worksheet mixes familiar / unfamiliar words to try to help children hear that difference. Can be done alone, but is better if a parent or teacher helps by reading the words and offering encouragement.
    • 2 Farming and 3 Fishing for phonics coloring activities: Both sets of activities ask the student to read and hear the difference between the short vowel sounds and then categorize them.
    • 5 Roll and Read: 5 short vowel activities to put into practice what has been covered in the previous tasks. Children roll a dice and have to read the CVC word, marking how many times they read it.
    • 5 Roll Find and Colour: 5 short vowel games to encourage students to recognize these words and colour them once they have read them correctly, can complete on their own, better with some help.
    • 10 Word Families Activity pages: There are 2 versions of each short vowel sound. Has coloring, writing, reading and vocabulary tasks included in each page.
    • 5 Space Phonics: A 3 activity worksheet with a CVC maze, writing task and introducing simple sentences using these words. There is some vocabulary and coloring incorporated in each page.
    • 2 Vowel Sort: We move on to consolidating short vowel sounds and introducing long vowel sounds here. Students are asked to recognize and sort a set of long and short vowel words.
    • Long and Short Vowel Worksheets: 6 Worksheets looking for students to recognize or vocalize a word and mark if they have a long or short vowel inside them. Used as an introduction to the next phase
    • A Phonics Fortune Teller: One just needs colour and the other is a blank template for you and your children to make and design your own!

    We also have a Reading and Short stories comprehension workbook to practice these skills as well. Check them out here

  • 26 A to Z Tongue Twisters for Kindergarten, ESL and Primary


    A set of printable A to Z English Alphabet Tongue Twisters and a new premium version to use for Kindergarten, ESL and Primary schools and teachers. Great to practice reading and pronunciation. These are made so that four fit to a page and save on Ink. They look better in colour, but of course black and white works as well.

    We have a free version of the older set ( one of our most popular download PDFs)

    Now, due to request for an update, we have the premium version in the store. These have been developed to be both classroom cards and are now big enough to use as classroom decorations as well. You can read about both below.

  • Sale! FREE CVC Reading Cards and Worksheets

    14 CVC Reading Comprehension Cards and questions – PowerPoint Editable version


    This is the 14 Editable version of these Short E CVC reading Cards.

    These 14 cards allow students to practice developing reading skills and to start to introduce reading to learn and comprehension skills.

    This editable version is great if you are a teacher and want to change details for your individual classrooms

    CVC Reading skills are the cornerstone of emergent readers. Once students have worked out, and its not always an easy realization, that the 44 sounds (depending where you are) are all blended together to make words and that there is a relationship there it is like a firework going off. Suddenly sounds are being put together, simple words actually become simple and skills like segmenting and constructing words become common place. We have hundreds of worksheets on developing these skills, and now we have the readers below to help both practice and consolidate these skills.

  • Sale! FREE CVC Reading Cards and Worksheets

    14 CVC Reading Comprehension Cards and questions – PDF


    This is the 14 PDF version of these Short E CVC reading Cards.

    These 14 cards allow students to practice developing reading skills and to start to introduce reading to learn and comprehension skills.

    We also have editable version if you are a teacher and want to change details for your individual classrooms

    CVC Reading skills are the cornerstone of emergent readers. Once students have worked out, and its not always an easy realization, that the 44 sounds (depending where you are) are all blended together to make words and that there is a relationship there it is like a firework going off. Suddenly sounds are being put together, simple words actually become simple and skills like segmenting and constructing words become common place. We have hundreds of worksheets on developing these skills, and now we have the readers below to help both practice and consolidate these skills.

    We have the read aloud version on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4gcqaJVEwg

  • Sale! FREE Kindergarten reading comprehension worksheets

    5 Kindergarten Reading Cards and Comprehension With Coloring. – PDF


    This is the PDF PowerPoint version of these Kindeegarten Reading Cards.

    These have simple sentences followed by three simple questions. these can be guided or self directed.

    There will be an editable version on the store page eventually if you would like to be able to add your own school or learning centre name and i hope they are useful to you.
    These can be listened to here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNeyIrGSOeA

    There are also other worksheets on this site for phonics, vocabulary, grammar and short and long vowels as well. Feel free to check them out.

    Hope its useful and Happy Teaching

  • Sale! FREE Kindergarten reading comprehension worksheets

    5 Kindergarten Reading Cards and Comprehension With Coloring. – Editable


    This is the Editable PowerPoint version of these Kindeegarten Reading Cards.

    These have simple sentences followed by three simple questions. these can be guided or self directed.

    There will be an editable version on the store page eventually if you would like to be able to add your own school or learning centre name and i hope they are useful to you.

    There are also other worksheets on this site for phonics, vocabulary, grammar and short and long vowels as well. Feel free to check them out.

    Hope its useful and Happy Teaching

  • Sale! CVC Reading Cards SHort A

    4 Short A CVC Reading Cards and Comprehension for Young Learners – Editable


    This is the Editable PowerPoint version of these CVC Reading Cards.

    CVC Reading skills are the cornerstone of emergent readers. Once students have worked out, and its not always an easy realization, that the 44 sounds (depending where you are) are all blended together to make words and that there is a relationship there it is like a firework going off. Suddenly sounds are being put together, simple words actually become simple and skills like segmenting and constructing words become common place. We have hundreds of worksheets on developing these skills, and now we have the readers below to help both practice and consolidate these skills.

  • Sale!

    100 Plus CVC and Short Vowel Phonics Workbook.


    Hi and welcome to the 100 CVC and Short Vowel Workbook. Here you will find over 100 ready to go student friendly worksheets that can be used as the core of a lesson or for homework / consolidation after teaching.

    Learning CVC and recognition of short vowel sounds are an integral part of phonics skills acquisition. The ability to blend the sounds of English to form words allows students to take ownership of their language learning, building both confidence and a skill set that will serve them well as they progress through their school years.

    In this workbook you will find printable copies of our most popular worksheets and tasks all in one place.
    These are designed to get students reading, but also to give opportunities to vocalize these sounds and words.

    The workbook includes:

    Fishing for phonics
    CVC word families
    CVC Scrambles
    Medial Vowel Tasks
    Cut and paste
    Dice activities
    CVC Coloring and much more
    Space phonics
    Crosswords and
    CVC sentence tasks

    If you are looking for progression after
    short vowels and CVC words head over to
    our site to check out our other CVC and more
    advanced workbooks.


  • Sale!

    30 Plus CVC and Short Vowel Phonics Workbook.


    Hi and welcome to the 30 CVC and Short Vowel Workbook. Here you will find over 30 ready to go student friendly worksheets that can be used as the core of a lesson or for homework / consolidation after teaching.

    Learning CVC and recognition of short vowel sounds are an integral part of phonics skills acquisition. The ability to blend the sounds of English to form words allows students to take ownership of their language learning, building both confidence and a skill set that will serve them well as they progress through their school years.

    In this workbook you will find printable copies of our most popular worksheets and tasks all in one place.
    These are designed to get students reading, but also to give opportunities to vocalize these sounds and words.

    The workbook includes:

    Fishing for phonics
    CVC word families
    CVC Scrambles
    Medial Vowel Tasks
    Cut and paste
    Dice activities
    CVC Coloring and much more

    If you are looking for progression after
    short vowels and CVC words head over to
    our site to check out our other CVC and more
    advanced workbooks.


  • Sale!

    Roll and Colour Word Families Worksheets – Editable


    This is the Editable PowerPoint version of these Roll and Colour Short Vowel and word family activities.

    A set of five FREE Phonics Short Vowel Colouring and Dice Activities. Turn learning into a game! All the students have to do is roll a dice and then look for the correct word family ending on the page and say and colour it.

    This can be played in pairs with different colours or individually in a classroom or home learning exercise. You can even laminate them and make them reusable.

    This set includes 30 different ”rimes” or word families covering all the short vowel sounds.

    hese are both worksheets and activities so can be used as teaching aids for Phonics lessons as well as just worksheets.

    Why teach phonics
    Teaching Phonics this skill is the next step from single sound recognition and these tasks help students get skilled in blending the sounds together to make new words. there are five here, and i am in the process of making another set as well. These worksheets should help students of all levels who are new to English but especially those that are new to phonics.

    There is an editable version in the store if you wanted to make some changes.

    Phonics are a increasingly popular skills for students to learn and these activities and other phonics worksheets, games and apps will go some way to addressing those needs for students.

    There are also other worksheets on this site for phonics and short and long vowels as well. Feel free to check them out.

    Hope its useful and Happy Teaching

    ost of resources can be premium downloaded below, they are all editable so you can adapt them for your, classes, students and schools. It also helps me with the costs of running the website!

    If you are looking for the editable versions ( for personal use or school use) you can find them here: