Pronouns are words used to replace nouns. For example, I am using you instead of your name as in “you are”. Pronouns can be personal, possessive, reflexive. Some examples of personal pronouns are: I, me, my and you. Some examples of possessive pronouns are: mine, his and hers. Reflexive pronoun is “self”. Pronouns worksheets are one way to help students practice these tricky grammar terms.

Pronouns worksheets are valuable part of a teacher toolkit when teaching these grammatical terms. Here we have a set of five pronouns worksheets that are designed for mixed ability classrooms and cover both the simple and more complex English pronouns. They are in PDF format and free to download.

We have a full article and resources on pronouns in the picture link below as well.

You can download this set of 5 Pronoun worksheets using the button below as well. These are a set of mixed abilities worksheets ( as most classrooms have different levels of English learners in them.) Although most of these focus on personal pronouns there are a couple that ask students to categorize pronouns and put them into their sub sections like reflexive, relative, possessive and more.

5 Quick Ideas On How To Teach Pronouns In The Classroom?

  1. One of the best ways to teach pronouns is to have your students practice their writing by making a list of what they will need for a camping trip or holiday. Some examples of pronouns could be: me, my, our, them, they etc.
  2. YouTube has loads of videos and songs to help both older and younger learners on the intricacies of pronouns. (We don’t have out own songs! I cant sing at all!!!! )
  3. Of course there are always pronoun worksheets to help children consolidate pronouns of all types including our own. Although we suggest that these pronoun worksheets are only a small part of the lesson and not the main focus!
  4. A very effective way to teach pronouns is to use a story. Reading is never time wasted with children. In the story, you could ask your students whose name they cannot remember. You can also ask them to tell who was hurt and who was helped in the story. When they are done, have them use their pronouns. If they are Younger it is worth having these pronouns displayed around the class so they can refer to them.
  5. Another effective way to teach pronouns is by drawing a picture of what the person is doing. You need to draw one person, two people or three people. The person will write which pronoun he/she/it wants them to use in each situation. Getting them to draw a picture is even better.

We have an infographic on the types of nouns in English for you to use and share if you need as well. ( just credit us please!)

_Types of Nouns Infographic

Here is another link to our pronouns Worksheets below. We hope they are useful.

We also have a HUGE Collection of workbooks all bundled together that are insanely popular. Check them out with the link below.

I have been a teacher of English for over 15 years, in that time i made hundreds and thousands of resources and learnt so much i think its worth sharing. Hopefully to help teachers and parents around the world.

Always welcome thoughts and comments, new blogs can be lonely!!