Just below you will find the links to our set of 4 parts of speech worksheets. They are 4 different styles that are levelled for different student abilities. So if you have mixed abilities classes this may come in useful.

Then after the download links we have got a lot of content on parts of speech in case you need a refresher before using these worksheets. We have also put links to activities and worksheets on all parts of speech in that section as well free to take a look

What Are Parts of Speech In English?

English has eight parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, articles, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions and conjunctions. Parts of speech are important in helping learners understand the English that we read and hear. Students of English will be introduced to these at a very early stage of English instruction.

Our Worksheets are scaffolded, but similar looking, some ask students to just find nouns verbs and adjectives, others ask them to find 4-7 different parts of speech and correctly categorize them.

This enables you as a teacher to decide what stage your students are at, and to maybe revisit a lesson on parts of speech later on, maybe using a more complex parts of speech worksheet at that time.

What Are The Parts Of Speech In English?

As mentioned there are eight parts of speech in English. Just in case you need to know we have listed them here. Below this will be links to some of our resources that cover these different parts of speech.

  • Nouns are words for things, they tell us who or what the sentence is about (e.g., student, doo, dog, pen).
  • Pronouns are words which take the place of a noun (e.g., she, it, myself, who).
  • Articles are words either definite (the) or indefinite a/an which state if something is a specific noun or not.
  • Verbs do something in the sentence as well as telling us about action and helping predicate other parts of speech such as nouns and adjectives (e.g., walks, laughs, talk, swim, be).
  • Adverbs describe how things happen in the sentence or add extra information about verbs, adjectives and other adverbs (e.g. carefully, quickly).
  • Adjectives describe things in the sentence and often go before nouns (e.g., bright, cute small, tall).
  • Prepositions show the relationship between other words in the sentence or state where something is (e.g., in, on, under, behind), there are also prepositions of time ( before, after, at)
  • Conjunctions join things together such as words, sentences or phrases (e.g., and, for, but).

Why Are Parts Of Speech Important?

There are many reasons why parts of speech are important. To start with, they help us understand language because we know what words are doing in a sentence. They also help us understand the meaning of sentences because if you change a word place, you change the meaning as well.

Parts of speech also help us understand how the sentence is put together as a whole. Without knowing about parts of speech we may find certain sentences difficult to understand or make sense of them correctly.

We also have a parts of speech infographic to use and share if it is helpful to you, just remember to give us a credit if you do!

Parts of Speech INFOGRAPHIC

Other Parts of Speech resources

We have a Wide selection of resources on the site covering all aspects of English instruction. If you want to check out our free resources just click the link and our shop is available if you want some of the premium resources as well. However if you want the other parts of speech then check out below.








Hope they are useful, in case you scrolled all the way to the bottom the combined parts of worksheets are at the top!

I have been a teacher of English for over 15 years, in that time i made hundreds and thousands of resources and learnt so much i think its worth sharing. Hopefully to help teachers and parents around the world.

Always welcome thoughts and comments, new blogs can be lonely!!