A very simple set of flashcards that can be used as posters or as flashcards to help teachers instruct food, food and vegetable vocabulary.

Who are they for?

these could be suitable and colourful enough for a kindergarten, Esl or Primary classroom and the lessons within them.

They can be printed as posters or as cards.

They images are below so you can get an idea of the content. there are over 42 in the set. I just included 12 examples here.

This is the PDF version, and this is FREE!

Most of resources can be premium downloaded below, they are all editable so you can adapt them for your, classes, students and schools. It also helps me with the costs of running the website!

The editable version is so you can change it to suit your classrooms and students. It costs a dollar.

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I have been a teacher of English for over 15 years, in that time i made hundreds and thousands of resources and learnt so much i think its worth sharing. Hopefully to help teachers and parents around the world.

Always welcome thoughts and comments, new blogs can be lonely!!